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The Munster Cast

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Recent Episodes

Oct. 14, 2024

101: Take This Job And Shovel It (The Munsters Today Season 2)

This week Myke and Tivis dive into The Munsters Today Season 2 episode 23 “Take This Job And Shovel It” As Herman sets off to a gravediggers strike CAN the family take Herman being home 24/7 ? AND WILL CHAOS ENSUE Find out t…
Oct. 7, 2024

100 PT 2: Episode 100 part Two celebration with guest Cousin Frank

This week join Myke & Tivis for part TWO of a 2 part 100 episode celebration… With guest Cousin Frank Moderator of The Munsters Today Fans FB group ( and owner operator of Bad …
Sept. 30, 2024


This week join Myke & Tivis for part one of a 2 part 100 episode celebration… With guest Austin Mosher. GUEST LINKS VEJIGANTE TEASER VE…
Sept. 23, 2024

99: Deadlocked (The Munsters Today Season 2)

This week Myke and Tivis dive into The Munsters Today Season 2 episode 22 “Deadlocked” As Herman and Grandpa are whisked away to their civic duty as jurors, WILL CHAOS ENSUE Find out this week on the Munsters today. Check Ou…
Aug. 19, 2024

98: Will The Real Herman Munster Please Stand Up (The Munsters Today Season 3)

This week Myke and Tivis dive into The Munsters Today Season 2 episode 21 “Will The Real Herman Munster Please Stand Up” As Herman travels through an identity crisis the family will cope or go crazy, WILL CHAOS ENSUE Find ou…
Aug. 12, 2024

97: Misadventures In Time (The Munsters Today Season 2)

This week Myke and Tivis dive into The Munsters Today Season 2 episode 20 “Misadventures In Time” This week the Munsters travel the timeline and create some grave errors, WILL CHAOS ENSUE Find out this week on the Munsters t…

Recent Blog Posts

The Munsters At Marineland... Official DVD Release In October 2022

The Munsters visit Marineland was Shot on videotape in 1965 as a TV special and was essentially used as marketing for Marineland. The special was thought to have been lost to time and poorly kept archives, with only a single commercial for the broad…

My Grandpa Is A Vampire (1992) goes to Blu-Ray starring Al Lewis.

Back in 1992 a small movie debuted in June at the Los Angeles International Film Festival known as My Grandpa Is A Vampire (Also known as Moonrise & Grampire) starring none other than THE best Vampire Grandpa in the world, Grandpa Munster (Sam D…

Al Lewis & WCW rock the 90's with a Clash of the titans.

Al Lewis best known for his role as Grandpa Munster (aka Sam Dracula) in the 1964-1966 TV Show The Munsters and along with his returning rolls in Munster, Go Home 1966 & The Munsters' Revenge 1981  as well as Officer Leo Schnauser in the TV…

About the Hosts

Myke Shrews Profile Photo

Myke Shrews


Myke has been working in the entertainment industry for 10+ years and has a love for all forms of media. Listening to Music, watching films and TV with a passion, and even being interested in behind the scenes work since he was a little kid watching Ninja Turtles BTS footage on VHS.

Starting out at a young age as a writer and musician, then working his way into various recording studios and radio stations. It wasn't until he was 19 when he made a music video for a group he was producing that he found his passion behind the camera. After that he decided to go full on into the filmmaking part of the industry. This love of filmmaking and desire to tell stories ultimately chose the career path he has taken, for better or worse.

Myke grew up watching The Munsters with his grandma along with many other shows such as Bewitched, I dream Of jeanie, Hogans heroes, quantum leap, and many more. This period of his life setup his love of classical TV shows and set his eyes towards classical films. This period is most likely the push in his life that made him have a career in the arts and mostly filmmaking as it pushed his love of films and stories.

Myke hosts both The Munster Cast & Operation Babble podcasts. He is A massive Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle fan and Trekkie. He is also a father of 2 great and spoiled kids, with a wife who puts up with his crazy antics and collection of action figures and various Pop culture collector items.

Tivis Profile Photo


Podcaster/Pop Culture Enthusiast/Whovian

TBD Until He Stops being lazy!!!
He hasn't stopped being lazy... SOOOOO here it goes....

Tivis, the man, the myth, the boring one... Tivis has lived his life loving pop culture, whether it be books, movies, tv, comics, whatever you put in front of him, Tivis will devour it into his mind.

Tivis the man who wants to be called Daddy (podcast joke you gotta listen)
Tivis the man who is one of the nicest people I have met, who tolerates a ton and who will shake his head and probably text me as soon as he reads this....


Also co-host on the Operation Babble Podcast


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